Hello People!
Happy new year to you all! This year is definitely going to be better than the previous ones. Trust me! God has always been awesome and He will continue to bless us awesomely! I miss you guys and I miss blogging.
I'm sure most of you have read this story about a South African Pastor, Pastor Lesego who made his congregation eat grass, calling it food from heaven, and pathetically enough, the people believed his words and actually ate grass like sheep grazing on some rich lawn?!
What on earth will make people to do this to themselves? Why should people validate the word of God based on who they heard it from and not because they searched it out and found it to be true? Why can't people just read the Bible for themselves and know exactly what the Lord is saying? Revive us o Lord and give us wisdom.
Here are a few pictures I got from FB. See them for yourselves. As for me o! I no fit shout again...

This guy even walks on them…
Of course the grass eating will have its effects.
I pray that God will preserve us and keep us from falling... May the good Lord have mercy on us as well. If you say a prayer today, say one for a brother/sister, so that none enters into temptation!
Peace... I'm out!