Wednesday, 18 July 2012

We All Need Somebody...

Greetings my dear people of Blogsville!

Thanks to you all for your pockets of advice on my "atm palaver" post. Infact, I am working really hard and tirelessly at casting all the atm demons out of my handbag and bank account... lol; and the advises and recommendations you gave, have prompted this instant post. Enjoy:

I wonder why sometimes some people actually sit down and say they don't need anybody just because they think they have all that it takes to make life comfortable thereby thinking they are all self sufficient.  

I would like to refer us to the book of Ecclesiastes 4:9-12a, which says that, "Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who fall and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves..."

God never created anyone with all he/she needs. He created us and deposited in us ability to do and achieve great things, plus people who help our abilities find expression. No one has it all; No one knows it all, and no one has been created with the privilege of being it all.

At some point or the other, we all will need somebody: Somebody who we can all fall back on; Somebody who we can talk to without holding back anything; Somebody who can listen to us with their hearts; Somebody who will offer us a shoulder to cry on, a hand to rise on, and a springboard to move up with unto the next level of our lives. And when you need someone, it is more beautiful when the antecedents of your life and actions speak in your favor, and make you deserving for the support that person is meant to offer you.

You need me... and I need You! Just my small take on one of life's greatest issues.

Peace... I'm out!


  1. Remind me to give you a warm hug for this @ "No one knows it all, and no one has been created with the privilege of being it all.

    At some point or the other, we all will need somebody: Somebody who we can all fall back on; Somebody who we can talk to without holding back anything; Somebody who can listen to us with their hearts; Somebody who will offer us a shoulder to cry on, a hand to rise on, and a springboard to move up with unto the next level of our lives."

    Indeed,no one is sufficient of his/her self,we all need someone at some point in our lives.

  2. yes, we all do need somebody

  3. No man is an island. The reason why people are successful is because there were others to patronise them . No one can make it on his own

  4. Blessings...
    We are not an island, we need each other though at times it can be challenging it is never the less the truth. When "people" sound off saying they have need no for others it means they are speaking from a wounded place that is in need of healing.

    Human beings though wonderful can also be the opposite of that.

    Take care & stay blessed.

  5. Very Nice post, I am guilty of thinking I'm self sufficient. I spend a lot of time in my room alone reading thinking etc. I don't go out very much besides my small Bible study group, and a young adult group at a church not far from where I live. I don't get bored hardly ever in fact I mostly get bored when I'm around persons talking about things i rather not be talking about, or if I'm over by a friend and their watching something on tv i don't like but it's their favorite show so I sit quietly watching the clock. I don't think I'm anti social although when I think about it some of my behavior is kind of anti social. I have only recently realized how we do need other persons, people to share with in conversations, people to share experiences with. I don't have any close friends me and a friend of mine from high school have grown apart we use to have everything in common but now we have nothing in common. I pray I find a close good friend who I can always call on and never feel alone.

  6. I am hugging you massively from here.

    Indeed, no man is an island. we all need the other person.
