Hi once again,
So! as promised earlier, I will be updating as often as I can.
Life sometimes is good, other times, not too good and most times very ugly. Its just funny how all these dimensions intertwine in our lives, and the lessons we take out of every experience.

I am saying this based on some experiences I have had in the number of years I have spent so far on earth.
As I have said before, I was raised by my loving mother who single handedly raised us. I come from a family of three, my two elder brothers and my good self. The only girl and the last born.
I remember when we were growing up, life was tough, very tough. But my dear mum never gave up on us nor brood over things, rather she continued to fight against set backs, against limitations and against all the harsh realities of life.
Now I understand something she said sometime ago, that "Life is like a mirror. When you smile at it, it will also smile back at you and if you frown at it, you get the same results"
She saw life from a positive side. She was very positive at everything. She will always say, "Priscy! life will always give you a thousand reasons to cry but always carry a positive spirit and the outcome will be great".
Such a great person, she influenced a lot of lives with her short stay on earth. To even think she died in an auto crash kills me even more. Hmm, life... Sometimes you wonder why good people die early or even die at all.Sometimes I wonder what lesson(s) I can take out of her early demise. I think she was gone too soon.
I miss her terribly, I really do. sometimes I wish she was around telling me its okay or its going to be okay.
But in my missing her and in my pain of losing her, I have the comfort and belief that those who die in the Lord are not dead but asleep and will be risen up to meet Him on the last day. There I will get to see my beloved mother again.
Trotro wahala
Away from the story about my sweet mum, I want to share an experience I had in a troski ( trotro or damfo as Nigerians will call it).
Well... Yesterday, I took one, I don't really know why I decided to, and I don't also remember the last time I boarded one. Maybe I was just being adventurous, or I wanted to see if the drivers and their mates have changed their attitude towards passengers, or probably, I was just broke. lol.
I remember my basic journalism lecturer used to say that, as aspiring journalists, we should always have a nose for news. So maybe, I was also looking to get something to write about.
What I saw and experienced throughout the drive yesterday was just too interesting. Here I was siting right behind the drivers mate and OMG!!! The odour that was emanating from his armpit made me sneeze anytime he lifted his hands to collect money from passengers at the back seat.
When I could not take it anymore, I told him to relax so I could help him out by collecting the rest of the payments from the back seats for him. He must have thought to himself "this nice lady is good o! So pretty (yes I am) and yet so down to earth that she is willing to help me out..." Me... i just wasn't prepared to die yet, neither have I ever expected to die due to the LOATBO syndrome - loss of air to body odour. lol!!
You guys should have seen me, I did it so well, one guy paid less than what he was supposed to and the mate wouldn't understand why; and as is usually expected, a serious argument started.
sometimes, I just don't understand why some people find it very difficult to understand certain simple issues. Do you guys believe that the guy and the mate started to exchange blows? yeah!!! that serious.
The driver had to stop the bus and poor old me, needed fresh air desperately, because the mate had to turn and bend over some how in order to face the gentleman.
Immediately the bus stopped, I just rushed to get down and nobody told me to pick a taxi in order to make the rest on my journey home. It was a terrible experience wouldn't you say? I know.... Guess that experience will make me not to pick a troski in a very long time to come and If God permits never again.lol
I really pray that God will bless us all abundantly so that even if we cannot afford our own cars, we can at least afford a taxi always...! Amen. smh'
This is all I have to share for now, but please continue reading and leaving comments, it is very much appreciated.
One of these days, I am going to blog about my dad and why I never really get to talk or write about him.
Cheers people :-))
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