Wednesday 31 August 2011


What's up Fam?!

The loveliest day comes when you wake up to find out that life still colours your world with, and through people who never fail to remember you. I remembered all my friends and loved ones today and said a prayer for all.

I was at a wedding over the weekend and I must say it was very simply organised and yet stylish. The engagement (traditional marriage) and the blessing (white wedding) were very simple, low keyed and yet plush in my own assessment; and that is how I like my things to be, very simple and yet stylish.

I know that having a white wedding is every woman's dream, but the way some people have their weddings these days, it's as if there is a competition to determine who wins wedding of the year at the end of the day. 

A friend of mine had her wedding about a year ago, and although they had nice cars that could have been used, they had to rent a limousine and other plush cars for the wedding,  paying huge sums of money after the wedding and still owing a lot of people. This resolved in a lot of blame game and today, although they are still married, they are separated because they cannot stand each other and she is living her life with a lot of regrets.

Another friend of mine got married in 2003 with a whooping $6000+ as the spending cash for the reception, the decor, the bridal train as well as for the grooms men and up until now, the problems arising out of that expenditure are uncountable.

I don't have anything against plush weddings, and if the money is there to spend why not... But it becomes worrisome when it  is like a competition. The fact that a dish looks good on a friend's plate does not mean it will taste good as well. I have heard stories (call it superstition) about how bad things happen to couples who have plush weddings, and this is because "bad eyes (jealous people)" come to witness the wedding and cause the couple problems after.

I think the most important thing is that, at the end of the day, one is married and called Mrs xoxo,wife of xoxo. I also think that monies saved from unnecessary spending at  weddings can be used  for better things like saving for the unborn kids, some investments or any other constructive venture.

What is your take really on unnecessary spending on wedding ceremonies? I mean where a lot of things could be taken off and yet a superb ceremony would still take place at the end of the day? Let me hear your sides on what you actually think about this issue.

This is my world! Lol... and I can free my mind on issues right? Anyways, I was happy about the simplicity of the wedding and was glad the way it all ended. 

Here is wishing Mr. & Mrs. Asare all the best in their marriage.

Peace... I'm out


Monday 29 August 2011


Hello everyone.

Where did the weekend go? I can't believe another week is here already and I am right here behind my desk and my computer is staring me right in the face, (sighs). You do agree with me that this month has really gone fast, don't you?

Today, I want to share a thought on thanksgiving. It is always necessary to look back and be grateful for all that the almighty has done for you: your family and your loved ones. My post today has become very necessary because it is always good to look back and assess how far the almighty God has brought you and count your blessing, "naming them one by one". I have a couple of people I will love to say thank you to.

First of all, I will say a very big thank you to God almighty. He is the potter and pillar that holds my life together, and I am the clay. Can you imagine the way it would have been if God were to be like us, as in, the way we get so resentful at people who wrong us sometimes? I personally wish I had the power to make a person's mouth twist or otherwise when I get really pissed off with what they are doing or what they have done to me. Lol. But God is an awesome God; very loving, forgiving and mighty to save. He loves us to bits, despite our short comings. So whatever we do, we should always try not to be in His bad books. It is not an easy task because human beings will always err but we have to try. :-)

I am also very grateful to my friends and family and then to blogville, its been a wonderful experience since I joined this platform, and I am loving every minute of it. My followers and those who leave comments, it make me realize that I am not writing to myself and reading it alone. And all those who visit from all over the world ( got to know this through the feedjit real time) I am so grateful. God bless your hearts. 

I am so excited that there is going to be a holiday somewhere this week. This is because our Muslim brothers and sisters will be celebrating sala (hope I got it right) and it's going to be so much fun. I love holidays and here in Ghana, we have quite a number of them, like the independence day, republic day, AU day amongst others. Maybe we need to have the United Africans thanks giving day like the Americans do and prepare local dishes where our friends and families come around for a feast to thank God for delivering us from colonialism.

Keep visiting and leaving your comments because it gives me so much hope knowing that and challenges me more. 

Peace... I'm out

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Hurting Relationships

Hello wonderful people,

It fills my heart with joy anytime I am here typing out "something" knowing that "someone" somewhere reads and actually appreciates whatever I am doing. I am very grateful to all of you who have been reading from this blog and leaving comments. Thank you so much for always stopping by and God bless your sweet hearts.

Now, to the issue for today, There is this article in a magazine I am reading currently with the above title as the heading. Getting to the end of the piece, I said to myself "wow! THIS IS IT. I am sharing it on my blog for my readers to take a clue or two from it.

Before then however, this is my own take on hurting relationships,  Every one wants hurting relationships to be in the past. But if not handled well, they tend to stand in the way of a fulfilled relationship. The first step in resolving your issue is to deal with your hurt. It is important to totally let go of that which we call the past, by totally forgiving those who have hurt you. This could be family, friends, husband and wife as well as boyfriend/girlfriend relationships.

Here is what  Irene Kretchy a clinical psychologist in Accra, had to say concerning the above mentioned topic in the magazine I spoke about earlier.

* Visualize that the person who caused you the pain is sitting right in front of you.( you can use an old picture if you have one); recollect and recount all the incidents that hurt you and the way you feel about this person. Decide mentally that you have forgiven them and affirm it verbally. Humans are not perfect and often err; so see the person who caused you the pain in that light.

* It is good to see a counselor or a therapist if you can, to help in your healing process. If you feel that you played a part in how your relationships went sour, forgive yourself and see those experiences as your learning curve. Replace the time you spend dwelling on the past hurt with things you really enjoy doing.

Instead of dwelling on the pains and hurts from past relationships, put that energy to work and invest in the present relationship. Do not compare your present relationship with what you see on TV or elsewhere. Your relationship is unique. Every relationship is.

These are the few points I got from a relationship expert's point of view. The little I can add to it from my own experience is that you must learn to spend time with people who make you happy, and do not take any hasty decisions during your time of hurt and pain, as you might regret your actions later.

Anybody with more points we could learn or take a clue from should please bring them on board.

Thank you all for reading.

Peace...I'm out.


Wednesday 17 August 2011

Little things that make women Special.

Hello everyone, 
I got this mail from an acquaintance and thought it wise to share  it on my blog so that our honorable "men" would get to know one more time, why "we" women are so Call it my little way of shoving it down their throat  (and I'm loving Take time to read it and hopefully you will get to understand it all at the end of the story. Pictures searched for, found and added for your reading pleasure by yours Enjoy:

A couple were watching TV together when the lady said, "I'm tired, and it's getting late. I think I'll go to bed" 

She went to the kitchen to make sandwiches for the next day's lunches. Rinsed out the popcorn bowls, took meat out of the freezer for supper the following   evening, checked the cereal box levels, filled the sugar container, put spoons and bowls on the table and started the coffee pot for brewing the next morning.

She then put some wet clothes in the dryer, put a load of clothes into the washer, ironed a shirt and secured a loose button. She picked up the game pieces left on the table, put the phone back on the charger and put the telephone book into the drawer. She yawned and stretched and headed for the bedroom. 

She stopped by the desk and wrote a note to the teacher, counted out some cash for the excursion and pulled a text book out from hiding under the chair. She signed a birthday card for a friend, addressed and stamped the envelope and wrote a quick note for the grocery store. She put both near her bag. Mum then washed her face with 3 in 1 cleanser, put on her Night Solution & age fighting moisturizer, brushed and flossed her teeth.

The husband called out, "I thought you were going to bed." "I'm on my way," she said. She put some water into the dog's dish and put the cat outside, then made sure the doors were locked and the patio light was on.. 

She looked in on each of the kids and turned out their bedside lamps and radios, hung up a shirt, threw some dirty socks into the hamper, and had a brief conversation with the one up still doing homework.

In her own room, she set the alarm; laid out clothing for the next day, straightened up the shoe rack. 

She added three things to her 6 most important things to do list. She said her prayers, and visualized the accomplishment of her goals.

About that time, husband turned off the TV and announced to no one in particular. "I'm going to bed." And he did...without another thought.
Anything extraordinary here? Wonder why women live longer...? 'CAUSE WE ARE MADE FOR THE LONG HAUL... And we are  not dieing anytime soon, because we still have things to do. lol. Blessed day everyone.

Peace....I'm out

Monday 15 August 2011

When the odds speak...

There's been this story making the headlines recently about a very popular pastor and it saddens my heart the way people are using one person's mistake to link to all other pastors.

One thing I want to make clear is that, pastors are also humans, they are bound to make mistakes as well, so we the church, need to be praying for our pastors always.    

Founder and General Overseer of the International God’s Way Church (IGWC), Bishop Daniel Obinim has openly admitted that he crippled and rendered mad, a child he is alleged to have fathered with his former ‘sex partner’ Gifty Pokua.

He confessed on-air to having placed a curse on the child as punishment for Gifty’s desire to dent his image and to prove that he still had the anointing of God.

Interestingly, he concedes having an affair with the woman but states that the relationship occurred some five years ago.

Speaking in an exclusive lengthy interview with Kwami Sefa Kayi on PeaceFM’s Kokrokoo, he claimed that Gifty Pokua, the wife of one of his junior pastors, has unbeknownst to him been recording private conversations between the two of them with the mindset of blackmailing him, and so decided to teach her a lesson.

“I passed my hands through her head, so her mind is completely destroyed and I held her feet and paralyzed her so that the child can never walk… I used the power of Jesus that is in me. I wanted to prove to her that she (Gifty Pokua) cannot destroy the work of God that I was doing because I am not the only man of God who has slept with another woman…
That is my way of proving to her that she cannot do what she has done because the relationship we had was some three, four years ago. However if she apologies to me, I would heal the child,” Bishop Obinim said. ( at this point, am all teary eyed poor innocent child) wickedness at its highest order.
The Head Pastor of IGWC, who showed no remorse for cursing the baby, pointed out that Gifty Pokua should have at least been a bit thoughtful by considering how he (Obinim) also felt, when she went on radio tarnishing his reputation. ( can you guys imagine the impudence??)
“If I am cut with an object, it is blood that comes…I am not an Angel, I am human,” he added. 
Bishop Obinim (Obinim means no one knows)
Bishop Obinim further recounted that he nearly committed suicide when the shame and embarrassment became unbearable; adding that the only thing that kept him going was the wise counsel and inspiration from some powerful men of God.
So, there you have it. The full story. Make your own assessment, and deliver your own judgement. But let me tell you guys a story. Sometime this year, this same pastor had an issue with another pastor from a different church, who accused him of using "juju" to perform the miracles he has been known for; as in, the power he was using wasn't from God, but from occultic sources.
Obinim preaching on television on one of those days within that period, sat on the ground of his church auditorium and asked the whole of Ghana to pray for him to be disgraced if the power he was working with/by wasn't from God. I imagine he did this to establish his credibility, but could it be that nemesis has finally caught up with him?
You can not use the name of God in vain. Something tells me (call it a believer's hunch) that this is just the beginning. God is going to separate His chosen ones from those who claim to be from Him but are not.
When the odds speak, the best place to be is on the Lord's side. That is the only thing that can guarantee your vindication. Those on the Lord's side always win, because He knows how to fight for His own. But He will always confound the wicked. He always does...

Peace... I'm out.