Friday 30 November 2012

dedicated to me!!!

Hello people, 

I loved all the response that my last post attracted. I laughed at some of the comments though but hey, it was amazing reading your views... Thanks so much, I truly appreciate each and everyone of you who have been commenting on my blog. My heart is filled with so much appreciation for you all. God bless you guys for moi (French class make finish for here koraaa... Ghana pidgin mode activated from now. So take out your pens and papers, teacher de class

Was reading through my old publications (Hmm... imagine me sounding like a great the other time when I saw a comment Brenda wrote for me on this post.  I loved it and thought I should share as it makes lots and lots of sense and should be like a food for thought for everyone. Please enjoy...

"Always remember the good things in life,
don't dwell on the things that are sad
for life is a diary of memories
some good... some bad.

But just remember there's purpose in all
whether joyful or peppered with pain
and 'though storm clouds for now
may have darkened your skies,
soon the sun will break through once again

So just rest in the thought
that God cares for us all
holding each of us in His great hand
as He guides us and comforts us
both great and small
'til we all reach that promised land"

Hope you enjoyed it as I did, have an awesome weekend ahead! Blessings and more...

Peace I'm out!

Friday 23 November 2012

What's Wrong With Making The First Move On a Guy You Like?

Hello everyone!

Its Friday!!! I love Fridays. Seriously... Anyway, how are you all doing? I trust everyone is doing exceptionally well, yes?

So, yesterday during lunch time, I overheard ( I said overheard o! It wasn't kokonsa *gossip*) a lady colleague (let me call her Esi) telling another lady friend of hers (who I would call Ama) how she was so much into this guy and how she's been trying to get his attention to no avail.

Ama, the other colleague told her that making the first move on a guy is no big deal for her at all, and that, it's just a matter of letting the guy know or making one or two gestures to give the guy the signal that she likes him. Esi thought doing that will make the guy think of her as a "cheap" girl if the relationship ever succeeds and will also not bring her any kind of respect as this is not acceptable in our society. And may I ask why it is not acceptable in our society? Still cracking my head again for answers

This is for the ladies. Will one be regarded as "cheap" for making a move on a guy she likes first? And for the guys, has any lady made a move on you? and how did you feel towards the lady?

Personally, I dont see anything wrong in making a first move on a guy you like, as long as you have not made it a life habit; you know... like we have womanizers? Just don't know what the female version of that would be called. Manizers? lol. But aside from some of those exceptions, if you make the first move on a guy and he says no (kai but that sounds funny o!), e no be crime now! You move on! Is it not better to try and be denied than not try at all? 

Have a fabulous weekend y'all... Blessings and more, to you and yours!  

Peace... I'm out!

Monday 19 November 2012

Nice... Or What?

Greetings blogville,

This is I today... The intention I must confess was not merely to look good, but also to save money; 'cause God knows, I am carrying this hairdo to the end of this year. Even if e smell, I go buy spray use am maintain the swag. lol. But seriously, person for think of how to save some cash this time around abi? Christmas is almost here...

The story of this hair which has become the gist of my post is not a small thing o! Hmm... So here I was at the salon yesterday trying to braid my hair, the lady now said since I have been braiding with black all the time, I should change the color... She then suggested this color for me o!

So this is me after the braids, I felt I look kinda weird and not feeling myself at all, but upon getting to work this morning, almost everyone had something nice to say about it, and my confidence level has therefore shot up to 99%. lol. 

But like Jesus, I ask, "and you... What sayest thou about the hairdo of the daughter of man?" You like? Wo! Abeg tell me something nice... No fall my hand o! lol.

Peace... I'm out!

Monday 12 November 2012

When Life Happens...

Hello good people of blogville,

The weekend was too short for me 'cause I didn't have enough rest. Had to do lots of rounds that I had procrastinated for a while now, and I am glad I managed to get them out of the way... For this, I feel really good. 

The Melcom Storey Building before & After
Yesterday, I drove past the Melcom storey building that collapsed and I just couldn't help but shed tears. The sight even 5days after the unfortunate event is still pitiful... There are still rescuers and the Israeli team (which came to help) working  tirelessly to get the rest of the people still trapped in there out. This got me so sad and has inspired this post...

You wake up in the morning with the excitement of having a job to go to; you tell friends and family "see you later in the day", only to go and never return. What a sad way to end a promising life.

This incident got me thinking... Is all the struggling to acquire this and that worth it after all? What is the backbiting and cheating for? What is the fight for power and supremacy for? My heart is so heavy because I have seen that, for real, all this is vanity upon vanity. The worries of this life are really not worth dying for.

Our lives are surely like a flower. It blossoms in the morning and dries up by evening. I pray we all retrace our steps back to God. I pray we seek him first, I also pray we re-dedicate our lives to Him, because He alone is our source of safe escape.

The Bible says that "the name of the Lord is a strong tower (a refuge and a place of complete safety); the righteous run into it and is safe. I pray we will all forever be protected by God, now and always, Amen! 

Safety will remain of the Lord.

Peace... I'm out! (can see Toin smiling)

Friday 9 November 2012

Hope is to still believe, even when it's hard!

Hello my people!

Its frridday!!! (hi5 to Toin) *sides eyes 9jagreat* lol

ok, I finally got my book on Wednesday the 7th from Lara, thanks very much sis, God bless!

I read this piece on 360degrees and couldn't help but share, and this has become very necessary also, because of a departmental three storey building that collapsed here in Accra killing a number of workers and shoppers as such and also, because of my last Post. Enjoy!!!

"Hope never dies... You might lose it, and when you find it again, you will see it is still alive. Hope comforts those who mourn; when love is weak, hope makes you strong. Hope helps us forgive; it makes us confident today, that tomorrow will be better than yesterday; that where we are now is not the last bus stop, but merely one of the many bus stops on our way. "the last bus stop"; that whether the good Lord ( whose we are and Who we serve) snatches us out of the fire or takes us through it, the story of our lives will not end in the fire...

There will be another chapter because we are coming out of the fire, Amen! Hope tells us, that no matter what is happening now, we shall smile again... Yes!!! Hope is powerful... Hope is a beautiful thing... Hold on to hope and don't lose it... And even if you loose it, search for it and find it (it will most probably be at the same place where you lost it)... it never gives up on you... Hold on to hope...HOPE NEVER DIES"

For more details of this, please visit the site, there are amazing stuff for you to read and enjoy! Have a fabulous weekend you all, best wishes!

Peace... I'm out!

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Life does not add up sometimes...

Hello everyone,

Today I am not a happy person, I am extremely saddened by a story a friend of mine told me. In fact, this story has got me thinking...

So, the story my friend told me was this... a young mother buys a taxi for a young man so that while he is making a living he can also do school run for her, because she has a son in pre-school. Kind hearted woman you would say, but the guy starts well, and then one day picks the boy from school and never took him back home to his mother. Next thing we knew, the boy gets killed by the young man for rituals, and then pleads insanity on his arrest and prosecution... By the way, have I said that this is true story already? Well... Yes it is, but this is just the beginning.

This devastates the lady and her family so much, that her grandmother dies out of heart attack and her mum dies of shock a few weeks after...

The young woman struggles through and manages to survive despite all the bad things which have happened to and around her. Now, a few years later, she gets pregnant again (thankfully you would say, yes?), does shopping for the unborn child, prepares to welcome perhaps the only thing that could have been a source of consolation and joy, only to go into labour, never to return... Yes she died... She and her baby...  
Matters arising: I am thinking. I am just thinking... So this cab driver... This wicked guy who has caused this whole mess (killing four generations like that) is still walking the streets a free man. You all remember this post cracking my head for answers? If someone walks up to this fellow and smashes a bottle on his head so hard that he dies a slow and painful death, would the person have done any wrong? I'm just asking... I'm just thinking.

It's easy to speak of this situation with great fortitude when one is not directly connected to this experience. But I listened to my friend who is somehow related to this family, and I could feel his brokenness and bitterness; yet I did the usual speak grace and encouragement to a weak spirit - trusting God that I made some kind of difference. Yet, when we finished chatting, I said to myself "if I were in his shoes, would I have listened?' Hmm... I'm just asking... I'm still thinking.

Well... I can only lift up a prayer... Lord, You know us through and through... You know our end from our beginning. We trust in you with all our hearts. Preserve us from the eyes of the wicked and the heart of the unreasonable. That which is entrusted into Your care, You are able to keep and preserve (that is what Your word says)... Keep us; Preserve us; Sustain us... Us and Ours. We trust in You to never fail us, and to help us make sense out of issues of life which do not quite add up. We believe in You and will always trust You.

And I pray for me... Help my mind O Lord... 'Cause I'm still thinking.

Peace... I'm out!