Tuesday 24 September 2013

Kid's time out with Barney!

Hello lovely readers! 

So Monday was a holiday here in Ghana and it was in celebration of Founder's day (the late first leader of Ghana, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah's birthday), which fell on Saturday the 21 of September and for that matter had to be shifted to Monday! Yea... holidays are so cool, right? Well they are for me. lol. One of the TV stations asked their viewers what they know about him and other heroes of Ghana, and one person said he knows more about corruption than history, and sincerely, I agree with him.

Away from that... Guess who was in town?! Barney!!! Yea he came to town, so on Sunday the 22, I took my sunshine and a friend with her kids to the International Conference Center to watch the Barney show. It was fun... Enjoy some pictures 

The auditorium was so packed that even people with VIP tickets could not get seats. This family had to seat on the floor

sunshine with his friends

The lil girl is soo cute! Her name is Chinemere...

That's comedian funny face. This guy is something... Very humble and a nice person too
That is all for now. I wish you all the very best of everything... I also pray that we will learn to wait on the Lord and hide ourselves in His secret place so that forever we will abide under His shadow!

My heart goes out to all those who were directly or indirectly affected by the Kenya mall bombing. Ghana lost one of its greatest Poets. A prolific author, himself an elder statesman, Prof. Kofi Awoonor (former Chairman of the Council of States). May God be our strength at this time. It's well.

Peace... I'm out! 


  1. Looks like you had plenty fun. Been looking out for the next P. Hols in Nigeria. they are just an amazing way to chill.

    1. yes we had o Ema. how you doing? hubby, work and all?

  2. This was so difficult to read. The grey didn't contrast well with your background. Nice pictures though :)

    1. eyah, pele o madam but this is how it has been all along. I guess refreshing the page will help. thanks... I trust all is well with you?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Are you "eyeing" Chinemere for Sunshine ? Lol...she's cute.

    2. *whispering, something like that. please dont let Toin or Honeydame hear about this ok? lol
      trust all is awesome with you, yes?

  4. Your boy must have had lots of fun. Don't kids just love Barney? The Kenyan tragedy is just one of the horrific atrocities perpetuated by man to man, in the name of religion or whatever. It was just terrible!

    1. kids love Barney!!!
      thank God the nightmare is over now at Kenya. May the dead rest in perfect peace!

  5. Replies
    1. yes she is, her mum is married to a Nigerian man.

  6. I just met someone called Chinemerem as well, never heard that name before I met her. Nice name though.
    Sunshine is sure adorable.
    Ps. Priscy I see you are learning Yoruba (well just because you typed pele o, so I'm assuming). I think I need to take lessons from you as well, I need to learn Twi or any other Ghanaian language :-)
    Have a lovely week!

  7. MEhn the kenya issue is so so so so sad! May God protect us.

  8. May the souls of the departed rest in peace and may the families who have lost their loved ones in that tragic incident find strength to go on.
    Priscy, trust u r good.

  9. Thank you mom for doing this for him. Creating fun memories? he 'll never forget this.

  10. Barney is such a big deal *vips not having seats*. A nice treat for the kids
