Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Let Us Pray...

My people,

How y'all doing today? I feel a strong need for us to share this prayer; not just together, but with the ones we love and care about. It's a lovely prayer I got from 360degreeslove facebook page, and as it is my usual habit to share good things (*winks*), I am calling us all to lift up this prayer.

Ok... Let us pray:

Lord help our hearts when we are weak. Help our focus when we can't find our way. Teach us to pray when all in our hearts are questions. Keep us from falling Lord, when our hearts are filled with bitterness and vengeance against those whose senseless recklessness have brought us unbearable pain. Help us to bear the pain o God. 

Teach us how to deal with grief and offence Your own way. Help us to continuously desire to live within the confines of Your will, even when we feel justified to walk away from the truth we speak. May our hurt never make us adulterate or deal dishonestly with the truth. 

May Your Spirit at work in us, keep our spirits alive and yearning after You. Let our losses bring increase to Your ever increasing Kingdom. Yours is the Kingdom, Power and Glory, forever and ever, in Jesus name... Amen

Best wishes to everyone.

Peace... I'm out!